Reiki Healing

Introduction to Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the concept that a “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. (“What is Reiki? | Reiki”) When this energy is low, we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed, and when it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. (“The Ayurveda Coach – Ayurveda | Reiki | Sound Baths and Sound Healing …”)

The Foundations of Reiki

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of alternative therapy commonly referred to as energy healing. It emerged in Japan in the late 1800s and is said to involve the transfer of universal energy from the practitioner’s palms to their patient. The word “Reiki” is derived from two Japanese words: “Rei,” meaning “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power,” and “Ki,” which is “life force energy”​​.

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki works by laying on hands and can also be administered remotely, which involves channelling energy into a recipient’s body to enhance the natural healing processes. This energy transfer helps the recipient relax and reduce stress, promoting a state of well-being and balance​​.

Who Can Learn Reiki?

Reiki is an accessible healing practice that anyone can learn. The ability to perform Reiki is transferred from master to student during an attunement process, which opens the student to the flow of Reiki energy​​.

The Practice of Reiki Healing

Hand Positions in Reiki

In Reiki practice, specific hand positions are used to focus healing energy on different parts of the body. Each position is associated with different physical and emotional benefits​​.

  1. Eyes: This position helps with stress, eye complaints, and frontal headaches.
  2. Temples: Ideal for general headaches and earaches.
  3. Occipital Region: Good for neck problems and boosting self-confidence.
  4. Throat: Helps with expression and communication issues.
  5. Heart: Calms emotions and quiets the mind.
  6. Solar Plexus: Helps release emotional stress and aids digestion.
  7. Abdomen (Tan Tien): Good for energy storage and digestive issues.
  8. Pelvic/Groin Area: Assists with reproductive and urinary health.
  9. Top of Shoulders: Helps cascade energy throughout the body.
  10. Shoulder Blades: Good for lung and respiratory issues.
  11. Kidneys: Revitalizes energy and aids in filtering emotional debris.
  12. The base of Spine: Grounds energy and helps with lower back issues​​​​.

Reiki for Mental Health

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Reiki is profoundly effective in reducing stress and anxiety. By promoting deep relaxation, Reiki helps to lower cortisol levels, which are often elevated during stressful situations. The gentle touch or distant energy transfer helps the body to return to a state of equilibrium.

Alleviating Depression

Reiki sessions can help alleviate symptoms of depression by encouraging a state of mental balance and emotional well-being. The energy transfer can help clear mental blockages and negative energy, allowing individuals to process emotions more healthily.

Improving Sleep

Regular Reiki treatments can improve sleep patterns by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Quality sleep is essential for mental health, and Reiki’s calming effects can help individuals achieve a restful night’s sleep.

Enhancing Emotional Well-being

Reiki can help enhance emotional well-being by balancing the chakras and removing energy blockages. This balance helps individuals to feel more grounded, centred, and emotionally stable.

Advanced Reiki Techniques

Using Reiki Symbols

Reiki Level 2 introduces the use of symbols that help enhance the practitioner’s ability to channel energy. The Power Symbol (Cho-Ku-Rei), Mental/Emotional Symbol (Sei-He-Ki), and Distance Healing Symbol (Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen) are commonly used to focus energy, heal emotional and mental issues, and send energy over distances​​.

  1. Power Symbol (Cho-Ku-Rei): Enhances the flow of Reiki energy, making treatments more effective.
  2. Mental/Emotional Symbol (Sei-He-Ki): Used to balance the mind and emotions, promoting mental clarity and emotional stability.
  3. Distance Healing Symbol (Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen): Allows practitioners to send Reiki across time and space, facilitating remote healing​​.

Distance Healing

Distance healing is a powerful aspect of Reiki that allows practitioners to send healing energy to individuals who are not physically present. This is facilitated by the Distance Healing Symbol and can be effective for people across different locations. Techniques such as using a surrogate object or visualizing the recipient can be employed to send healing energy effectively​​.

Integrating Reiki Healing into Daily Life

Self-Healing Practices

Practising self-Reiki daily can help maintain energy balance and promote overall well-being. Simple self-treatment can be done using the hand positions mentioned earlier, focusing on areas of need and allowing the energy to flow through your body​​. Incorporating self-reiki into your morning or evening routine can provide a calming start or end to your day.

Reiki and Meditation

Combining Reiki with meditation can deepen your practice. Begin with a meditation session to calm the mind, and then perform Reiki to enhance the flow of energy throughout the body. This combination can lead to a profound sense of peace and alignment.

Reiki in the Workplace

Using Reiki in the workplace can help manage stress and create a harmonious environment. Simple techniques such as brief self-Reiki sessions during breaks can maintain energy levels and improve focus and productivity. Additionally, incorporating Reiki symbols into your workspace can help create a positive and balanced atmosphere.

The Benefits of Reiki Healing for Chronic Conditions

Reiki is not only beneficial for mental health but also for managing chronic conditions. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress, Reiki can help alleviate the symptoms of chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disorders. Regular Reiki sessions can improve overall well-being and quality of life for individuals dealing with chronic health issues.

Testimonials and Case Studies

Personal Accounts

Many individuals have reported significant improvements in their mental and physical health after regular Reiki sessions. Testimonials highlight the reduction in anxiety, improved sleep, and enhanced emotional stability. These personal accounts provide a powerful testament to the transformative effects of Reiki healing.

Case Studies

Numerous case studies have documented the benefits of Reiki in clinical settings. For example, patients undergoing cancer treatment have experienced reduced pain and anxiety, and improved mood and overall well-being. These studies support the integration of Reiki as a complementary therapy in medical treatments.


Reiki Healing is a holistic practice that offers numerous benefits for physical, mental, and emotional health. By learning and integrating Reiki into your daily life, you can experience profound improvements in well-being and a deeper connection to the universal life force energy. Whether you seek to learn Reiki for personal use or to help others, its principles and techniques can be life-changing.


  • Reiki Manuals and Guides for Hand Positions and Techniques
  • Studies on the Effectiveness of Reiki for Stress and Anxiety Reduction
  • Personal Accounts and Testimonials from Reiki Practitioners and Recipients

By understanding and practising Reiki, you can tap into a powerful healing energy source promoting holistic wellness. Whether you seek to learn Reiki for personal use or to help others, its principles and techniques can be life-changing.

Guided Reiki Self-Healing with Deep Meditation


Welcome to this guided Reiki self-healing session. This meditation is designed to help you connect deeply with your inner energy, promote healing, and achieve a state of profound relaxation. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed, and let’s begin.


  1. Find Your Space: Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Ensure you are in a quiet environment where you can fully relax.
  2. Set Your Intention: Take a moment to set your intention for this session. You should focus on healing a specific area of your body, reducing stress, or simply achieving a state of deep relaxation.

Guided Meditation and Reiki Self-Healing

Introduction to Relaxation

Start by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath through your nose. Hold it for a moment, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat this a few times until you feel your body begin to relax.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Now, let’s relax your body step by step. Focus on your feet. Tense the muscles in your feet, hold for a few seconds, and then release. Feel the tension melt away.

Move to your calves. Tense the muscles, hold, and release. Notice the sensation of relaxation spreading through your legs.

Continue this process with your thighs, abdomen, chest, arms, hands, neck, and face. Each time you release the tension, feel your body sinking deeper into relaxation.

Deepening the Relaxation

Imagine you are at the top of a staircase. There are ten steps leading down to a place of deep relaxation and healing. With each step you take, you will feel more relaxed and at peace.

  1. Take the first step down. Feel yourself becoming more relaxed.
  2. Take the second step. Deeper and deeper.
  3. Third step. More and more relaxed.
  4. Fourth step. Letting go of all tension.
  5. Fifth step. Halfway down, feeling so peaceful.
  6. Sixth step. Deeper still.
  7. Seventh step. Almost there.
  8. Eighth step. So relaxed, so at peace.
  9. Ninth step. Feeling deeply connected with yourself.
  10. Tenth step. You have reached a profound state of relaxation and healing.

Connecting with Reiki Energy

Place your hands gently on your heart centre. Feel the warmth and energy in your hands. Imagine a beautiful, white light emanating from your hands, filling your heart with healing energy.

Now, move your hands to the following positions, spending a few minutes at each spot:

  1. Eyes: Place your hands over your eyes, feeling the energy soothing and relaxing your mind.
  2. Temples: Move your hands to your temples, letting the energy relieve any tension or headaches.
  3. Occipital Region: Place your hands on the back of your head, allowing the energy to enhance your self-confidence and intuition.
  4. Throat: Move your hands to your throat, helping with communication and expression.
  5. Heart: Return your hands to your heart centre, calming your emotions and nurturing your spirit.
  6. Solar Plexus: Place your hands on your solar plexus, helping to release stress and promote digestion.
  7. Abdomen: Move your hands to your abdomen, focusing on energy storage and digestive health.
  8. Pelvic Area: Place your hands over your pelvic area, aiding reproductive and urinary health.

Visualization and Intention

As you move through each position, visualize the white light flowing into your body, healing and restoring balance. Set a specific intention for each area, whether it’s to relieve pain, reduce stress, or promote emotional healing.

Affirmations for Healing

Repeat the following affirmations silently or aloud as you continue your Reiki self-healing:

  • “I am filled with healing energy.”
  • “I release all tension and stress.”
  • “My body and mind are in perfect harmony.”
  • “I am connected to the universal life force energy.”
  • “I am healing and whole.”

Closing the Session

When you feel ready to conclude your session, bring your hands back to your heart centre. Take a few deep breaths, feeling the energy grounding you and bringing you back to the present moment.

Gradual Awakening

Imagine yourself at the bottom of the staircase. With each step you take back up, you will become more awake and alert.

  1. First step. Gently waking up.
  2. Second step. Feeling more aware.
  3. Third step. Becoming more alert.
  4. Fourth step. Bringing awareness back to your body.
  5. Fifth step. Halfway up, feeling refreshed.
  6. Sixth step. More and more awake.
  7. Seventh step. Feeling energized.
  8. Eighth step. Almost there.
  9. Ninth step. Fully awake.
  10. Tenth step. Open your eyes, feeling calm, refreshed, and deeply connected to your healing energy.


Thank you for joining this guided Reiki self-healing session. Remember to carry this sense of peace and relaxation throughout your day. Regular practice of Reiki can help maintain your well-being and balance.

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