Leftover Lamb Hotpot

Leftover Lamb Hotpot More leftovers, this time leftover lamb hotpot. I have never been one to waste food and at the moment in dire times, we find ourselves it is good to use the leftovers up. In future posts, I will be doing more with leftovers and trying to ring the...

Leftover Lamb Madras

Leftover Lamb Madras I could possibly live on curry in one form or another, one of my favourites is my leftover lamb madras. You can, of course, use any meat you have from chicken to pork and even fish. So many curries we have bare no resemblance to authentic Indian...

Lamb Wraps

Lamb Wraps More use of the leftover Lamb from Sunday’s slow roast shoulder. Lamb wraps, to go with the lamb I mad a simple slaw and added fresh mint and candied jalapenos. For the wraps I used the recipe below, I always have bread flour here so going to the...

Slow roast shoulder of lamb

Slow Roast Shoulder of Lamb I think ever since I was a child slow roast shoulder of lamb has been one of my favourites. I am not one for spring or new season lamb I find it tasteless, spring to me is when we first see the lambs bounding about in the fields enjoying...

Moules Mariniere

Moules Mariniere Mussels are at there best at this time of year. This is the classic French dish of Moules Mariniere. Though the best I have had were in Belgium where it is a firm favourite with one of their great beers. Ingredients 1.75kg/4lb mussels 1 garlic clove,...
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