
Poetry is a powerful art form that has the ability to express complex emotions and experiences in a way that words alone cannot. It can provide a creative outlet for individuals struggling with mental health issues, offering a way to process and articulate their feelings. In this blog post, we’ll explore the connection between poetry and mental health, and the benefits that poetry can have on our well-being.

  1. Creative Expression

One of the most significant benefits of poetry for mental health is the opportunity for creative expression. Poetry can provide a safe and expressive outlet for individuals struggling with difficult emotions like depression, anxiety, and trauma. Through the act of writing and sharing poetry, individuals can gain a sense of control over their emotions and experiences, and express themselves in a way that feels authentic and meaningful.

  1. Self-Reflection

Another benefit of poetry for mental health is the opportunity for self-reflection. Writing poetry requires introspection and a deep level of self-awareness, allowing individuals to explore their inner world and gain insights into their own experiences. This can be particularly valuable for individuals struggling with mental health issues, as it can help them gain a better understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

  1. Connection and Community

Poetry can also provide a sense of connection and community for individuals struggling with mental health issues. Through sharing poetry with others, individuals can find a sense of belonging and support. Poetry readings, workshops, and open mic events can offer opportunities for individuals to connect with others who share similar experiences, and to build a sense of community around their shared passion for poetry.

  1. Mindfulness and Healing

Finally, poetry can be a powerful tool for mindfulness and healing. The act of writing poetry can be a meditative practice, helping individuals to slow down and focus on the present moment. By engaging with their thoughts and emotions through poetry, individuals can cultivate greater self-awareness and acceptance, and find a sense of peace and healing.

In conclusion, poetry can be a valuable tool for individuals struggling with mental health issues. Through creative expression, self-reflection, connection, and mindfulness, poetry can help individuals process difficult emotions, gain insights into their experiences, and find a sense of community and healing. Whether writing poetry for personal exploration or sharing it with others, the benefits of poetry for mental health are clear.


Daddies Little Princess

There is a star that shines each night

 So far away yet oh so bright

 That star that shines and carries dreams

 On that star i send my kiss

 To daddies princess that’s my wish

 I send you reiki everyday to help you on your way

 Each morning when i hear your voice 

 Makes my day and heart rejoice

 You are my world my special girl

 I love you so much each and every curl

 I know that you will always be

 Daddies little princes so special to me

 And as you grow and blossom 

 I know you will be a special awesome

 You can and will fulfill your dreams

 each and every one a little sunbeam

 I send this poem from my heart

 For you to read when we are apart

 Daddies little princess my special girl

 You are my life the reason why 

 My dreams for you they reach the sky

 So just be you and we all know

 So special and awesome you will grow

The Mind 

We sit and let the mind wander free

The mind controls everything about me

Late-sat thoughts run wild

Pull them in control of the inner child

Darkness lets the monkey run 

Running through your thoughts is no fun

I long for days of the summer sun

Long dark nights so sad the brain free to run

Pop to the pub company sought

Alone in the corner just the empty thought

Breathe deep push the thoughts away

Do not let the past hold you 

Tell the subconscious to fuck right off

Don’t let the voice within hold tight

Free that voice control the night

Close your eyes and free the mind

Deep breath hold it there for the care

Open the heart give love to share

If you want to love you have to give love away

Free the inner thoughts that play

Tomorrow comes a day for you

A new day to let the mind play

I hate the dark that holds me tight

Free your mind and win the fight

Your choice your love

Give love to you give love set free

Love for me and love for you  


Right now I’m as low as I have been
Lower than when I’ve had those deep dark thoughts
Right now I really don’t know why I am here
So empty so low so worthless
I miss my Tinker so very much
Weeks of noting no contact no here
Mind not resting mind runs riot
Hate anger fear no point being here
What is the point what is my worth
Why am I here
Been here before with my boy
I have no reason I have no why
I sit and can not stop the cry
What is my worth when no answer
What is my worth so very low
Do I just let it go
Let them be free no need for me
So very empty heart torn so low
Do I just let it all go
No reason no matter no why am I here
I have no fear to let it go
No reason for me to hold for now
Hate and hurt let me be free

Torn heart and tears

Spiralling downwards deep dark despair
Long past thinking of caring anymore
Alone I drift into the dark thoughts
Mind playing tricks nobody cares
I hate myself and all I am
I have nothing to give I am empty
The ones I love have no need for me
Better without me there’s nothing here
Hate self-loathing ugly mind
Long past the thought of being kind
I can not take any more of this
But can not pass the pain to others
Hurt alone so very low
Awaiting the darkness to envelop me
But I will still be here at sunrise
I will not put tears into others’ eyes
The thoughts are there but they are just that
No thought can take me
The mind so dark and deeply hurt
Hate and anger have no meaning have i
But I will not make you cry
The only tears fall from my eye
I will not hurt those I love
I will fight the demon
I will rise above
Dry the tear from i eye
But still no reason why
I will not make you cry
I will not put tears in your eye.


In my life, I treasure my friends
on my hands, I can count the treasured
true love and thoughts are seldom shared
care and kindness I share with few
if I give my love it’s totally true
when thoughts and words i share
true love I share so very rare
heartbroken kindness put aside
my heart left open no thought inside
when love is given but not returned
a heart left torn no passion given
let it go learn from the past
whats meant to be will come true
kindness passion true love given
glass of wine in hand mind race
can you truly look into that face
true love and kindness put in place
heart felt racing true care given
when that love is true no shades of blue
heart given mind engaged truly felt
let the meaningless drift by
true love a melting of the eye
love kindness is the last true emotion
hold them close let them free
love kindness from you to me


Nearly 3 am, no telly no sound all is quiet
Rain against the window breaks the silence
So very very lonely just my thoughts with me
The darkness out the window darkness in my mind
Will I find peace and sleep tonight
Fighting the mind’s dark corners seeking light
I know the reasons why I sit alone and cry
Thoughts run deep but I will not go that low
Hate and fear are not good enough that is me
Pain and anger loss and grief
Will, I will ever be enough will I be the one
Not good enough just a good friend
An ear to listen to make you smile
Listening to you yet not listening to me
Here as ever for anyone with an ear to bend
The time I need to spend for me
The time that I listened to my words
Love not felt in oh so long
Other than my boy and my special girl
No love for me why should there be
No feelings of care for me to share
Self medicate to hide the hate
drown the sorrows of self loathing
Need to stop the self hate
Is it now too late to beat the hate
As sunrise ends the nights dark
I will not let the dark beat me


4 am silence, darkness and calm, soft pillows safe bed comforting quilt
Thank you
Dawn chorus before first light, blackbird jackdaw magpie and crow, finches wrens starling and tits, their joyful song chirps and shrieks embracing the start of the day.
Thank you
First light shades of pink purple orange and red, blue skies white clouds the view from my bed, the trees the hedges the bushes and shrubs, the abundant life forms that make it their home, beetle moth butterflies all manner of bugs.
Thank you
Warm coffee and tea juices and milk, bacon and eggs plump sausage and beans, the farmers up early tending the land growing and raising the things I’ve just said.
Thank you
Teachers of lessons both formal and street life, books hardback paperback and audio to, fantasy drama fiction and crime, true story biographies educational and verse, poems and stanzas words engage the mind.
Thank you
Music to lift to make move to laugh to cry whatever the mood, Bach Beethoven to Lennon and Sinatra, the clash the pistols the ruts the supremes, Otis Aretha Amy the jam.
Thank you
Journeys both near and far Canada Belize Bosnia France, the coast of West Wales the mountains of home, forests and glades rivers canals, golden beaches my toes in the sand, the clear blue water the crashing of waves, dark forbidden underground caves, canal and park city breaks, journeys and memories that no one can take.
Thank you
Warm wooly jumper scarf and hat, gloves and dry coat, flip flops and wellies t shirt and shorts, casual and formal from scruffy to best.
Thank you
My cosy new flat will soon be home, new adventures and places to roam, friends near and far their ears I’ve bent some talk often others it’s rare but still knowing their there.
Thank you
And as I write this 5.50 am, safe and dry. My body and mind my general good health, mindfulness yoga reiki, inquisitive mind always wanting to learn, personal growth, neuron’s firing synapses made, a molecule of carbon this moment in time, great universe expanding beyond comprehension, the awe of the planets the stars Milky Way, nebulae gas giants exploding great reds, those things that created the life we have now.
Thank you
An attitude of gratitude so easy to take for granted, a moments thought will show you how much you have to give gratitude for.
The tiny the vast the known and the not, look around and see how much you have got.


Darkness wraps it silky hands
No sleep the mind to busy turning
Alone the only company the night
Fighting thoughts there is no light
Clock ticks and tocks
Pillow feels it’s full of rocks
Toss and turn and to and throw
Lonely night the head so full
Watching the night sky
Wondering why I have no answers
With no distractions the mind plays games
Will tomorrow bring an answer
No pattern or any joy that I have
Darkness’s grips are not the best
Is it just a subconscious test
Drifting briefly into sleep
Fleeting short never deep
Thoughts and images I will not keep
I know the mind it will not win
My thoughts and vision in the dark
They are for me to choose
I will not succumb to the dark and lose
Each new day a fresh new start
To live with purpose from the heart
I wonder who and what will play a part
Mine to choose and mine to grow
Nights dark mind you hold no power
Only during the silent hours
I will not let that dark take hold
Favour graces the strong and bold
Light it always follows dark
I choose the light of each new day.


Strength when in the dark

Alone in light and moons shadow

Alone in thoughts and feelings

But in reality you’re not alone

Your thoughts your feelings

There’s always someone thinking

There’s always someone there for you

Your mind your thoughts

Conscious subconscious which controls

Truth or fantasy dream or reality

Darkness or light sun or rain

Alone in your thoughts

Alone in the night, strength to fight

Laying in darkness alone and cold

Release that fear that dark

You have the power you have the strength

No matter how dark no matter how cold

You’ve fought it before you’ll fight it again

You’re loved no matter your thoughts

You’re never alone there’s someone there

Cared for loved cherished desired

Never Alone never discarded

Always thought of always here

Not just today but forever more

Just remember I’m always here

My life my mind my ears

Never suffer in darkness alone

Nobody has the right to a throne

Strong or weak dark or light

We are here to fight the fight.

Led awake nights dark hours

The owls my nights companions

There calls split the nights silence

The mind wanders here and there

No thoughts or care that matter

Wandering images drifting thoughts

No pattern or shape to the mind

Darkness envelopes it takes control

The thoughts the images the minds eye

I let them drift not take control

The warmth of the quilt

Gratitude for its comfort and hold

Many do not have this pleasure

Simple things we take for granted

Many have nothing we have so much

Water warmth a loved ones touch

I drift to darkness but do not stay

The minds images and thoughts

Temporary not holding I will not stay

To much to live for today

Friends to talk to to hold my hand

Always someone there for me

Love a word so easily said

But when said in truth so deeply felt

Silence and darkness hold me tight

Sometimes bad but often good

The mind drifts and wanders

Thoughts scattered and lost

Sleep will come and rest the mind

The quilt it’s warmth holding tight

See me through the dark cold night

Mornings light a brand new day

New beginnings new opportunities mine to choose

Take the day each minute and hour

Cherish and hold each second true

Love and gratitude will see you through


I am enough
When you look in the mirror
The mirror of self doubt
The reflection of you looking at me
You have that feeling of not being enough
Flawed by society the media your peer
You feel not worthy not fitting their design
They tell you that you need this and that to shine
When that reflection looks back at you
Tell it you love it that’s it the best you
Self love we’re told is vanity and ego
Learn to love yourself as you love others
You’re worth it all and so much more
Love your self to the core
If you can not love yourself with no fear
Then how can you love those you hold dear
Forget the bullshit that you don’t fit
Ignore that blemish stray hair or zit
Society tells us how we should be
It’s bullishit and lies that feeds wet eyes
Wipe those tears and say to yourself
I am enough for me and for you
The you is your inner self
Self love self care make them be
The number one thing top priority


Early morning nothing stirs
The minds awake the body not
Broken sleep not fully rested
A glass of water a cup of tea
Dog let out he’s had a pee
The simplicity of a dogs mind
Not busy overthinking just simple thoughts
He’s back asleep chasing cats
I watch him rest as I write
It’s often done still in the night
5 hours before you fell asleep
Now wide awake no chance of more
Write these words and maybe draw
No checking social media
The thief of time stay off line
Who will read these words today
Clarity and focus are better now
No Facebook feed to cloud the mind
Better use of the day no memes shit videos
No mundane questions or pointless posts
What did we do in time gone by
Before our lives a highlight reel became
Real life is so much more
Don’t let the online cloud the mind
My mindfulness practice gives me time
Gratitude journal just three things I note
We have so much but chase yet more
The media say we need these things
When you take that crap away
You notice the beauty of the day


Words rhyme a set order
Poetry stanza who really cares
The sentiment it carries
The person in the thoughts
Purpose passion emotions in lines
Light hearted deep meaning
The mind it wanders it loses track
The colours of autumn soon to be
Woodland walks the leaves under feet
Coastal storms the crashing of waves
Warm cwtchy clothing hand in hand
Tree lined path or soft golden sand
Treasured moments shared
As autumn and nature show their best
Sharing special moments sunsets held close
Squally winds trees losing leaves
Blustery walks sheltered by trees
Dogs chasing squirrels crows overhead
Spending this time with someone so special
Nights draw in summer sun gone
The swallows and Swift have long since gone
Treasured moments in natures display

1 in 4

A clear blue sky to welcome the day
But in my head it’s often grey
The morning commute the crowded train
1 in 4 suffering an invisible pain
The odd fleeting smile passed here and there
Conversation is rare no words to share
Mile by mile the clattering train
An anxious noisy busy brain
Newspapers read books of all kind
So often it’s phones or tablets in use
Face down in social media
Detached from all that are near
Technology bringing the global fear
Watching people go on their way
To offices so uniform they’re all alike
Passing those less fortunate than us
A doorway a blanket their shield from pain
So if you’re walking the black dog alone
Put down the tablet the paper and phone
A simple hello a have a nice day
May just be enough to brighten a day.


For as long as I recall
As long as I remember
January September through November
For as long as I know
A true friend you’ve been
There’s been the bad and the good
We grew up in the hood
We talk truthfully don’t mince our words
We read the same books
Expanding our minds
You are so nice you are so kind
No matter where no matter when
You always will be my bestie
My one true friend
Deleted and blocked
Hid from and scared
The truth is I always cared
Love and friendship
Truth and care yes it’s true
My friend forever
Yes that’s you


I have no idea why I sit here alone and cry
no reason I can find makes my eyes run
alone not lonely such different things
feeling sad why is it so bad
feelings lost for reasons I know not why
eyes run I can not help but cry
hurt for now but will not last
as the sun rises each day
and storms pass by
I will not always cry
as the sun rises each new day
this feeling will not stay
temporary pain I hold it now
but that feeling will go
I hate how now I feel so low
but will not let that feeling grow
my thoughts my mind I will turn it to be kind

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