Covid and My Mental Health. This is by no means an exhaustive post of how I have gotten through this year so far, just a quick post listing a few of the tools I have used to manage my mental health. During this year I have had several episodes if that is what you wish to call them from anxiety attacks in supermarkets to those very dark thoughts.

Like for many this year will go down as a pretty shit year, pandemic, lock-downs, job losses, isolation, weight gain, alcohol consumption increase and the list goes on and on.  Just as we think things are on the up along comes more of the shitstorm, led by what for many seem inept, incompetent, lying, contradicting imbeciles.  They are following the science they say, yet on our little island in the Atlantic, we get conflicting stories, rules, restrictions and guidelines.  Why can it not be one song sheet one storybook rather than the individuals having silly little power games?

From day one bungling Boris, wee Jimmy up in Scotland and Dripford here in Wales have all said different things, I long ago gave up on the news and its constant negativity and bickering.  Limiting social media as much as I can also, friends arguing with friends over the smallest thing. 

Limit The Media

My circle is small and have I limited social interaction, the shop, the occasional visit to the pub.

I don’t mind my own company and can generally occupy my time.  For the main part of this, I have been working from home with a few trips to the office in West Wales, that contract ended last Friday so its back to looking for more work to pay the bills. 

Ideally, I would build the coaching business, I know that the skills I have and tools I have learnt over the last few years would be of so much use in these unprecedented times.  From school children with anxiety to adults with the whole gamut of mental health issues from depression to anxiety.  Over the last several years I have suffered from mental health issues, unlike many men of my age I have no qualms or issues in speaking about it.  All the man up, get on with it shit is the past, we need to end the stigma, the taboo that surrounds mental health.

Covid and My Mental Health

I believe that mental health issues will be a far bigger burden on our struggling NHS than the virus over the coming years.  We need to be teaching everyone how to manage their mental health, coping strategies, teaching them that it is OK to talk.  From starting teaching mindfulness in schools to teaching it for the now growing work from home numbers.  Teaching simple yet proven strategies for coping with anxiety and panic attacks.

Through various courses and self-taught practices, I have built a toolset that I use for my mental health.

The routine from something as simple as making the bed straight away. 

Mindfulness first thing, our minds are better suited to doing meditation and mindfulness shortly after waking this is down to the different brain waves, from Delta which we experience during sleep to Beta which we experience during most of our waking day.  Doing mindfulness or meditation shortly after waking our brains are in Alpha state, we are awake and aware but doing a thoughtful activity.

Breathing Exercise

Simple breathing exercises are great for when we feel anxiety or panic rising, by taking deep breaths we change our whole physiology and the body calms.

Something as simple as a

Breathe in for 3

Hold for 3

Exhale for 3

Hold for 3

Repeat, this is called box breathing and a 3 count is a great place to start with it as you practice you can increase the count.  Carry out the exercise for 3-5 minutes to start and focus on the breath, that is as simple as mindfulness is.  It is not about emptying the mind and transcending realms, we are not monks that sit in caves in the foothills of Everest.  Mindfulness is about being in the moment and by focusing on the breath then we enter a state of calm. 

Anxiety Coping Exercise

There is  a simple exercise that you can use to help cope with anxiety it is called the 5-4-3-2-1 method

5: Acknowledge five things you see around you.

4: Acknowledge four things you can touch around you.

3: Acknowledge three things you can hear.

2: Acknowledge two things you can smell.

1: Acknowledge one thing you can taste.

By doing the above simple exercise it takes the focus away from whatever is causing the anxious moment.

Find a new hobby to occupy the mind, be it drawing, colouring, craft, learning a new language, playing a musical instrument whatever it is that interests you.  With so many restrictions in place, it is hard to take up a new sport at the moment, but you can still exercise at home doing simple bodyweight exercises.  Read more no matter what it is.

The Outdoors

Get outdoors, no matter how short a period there are proven benefits for both mental and physical health from being among nature, it makes no difference where your green space is, be it a mountain or local council park, fresh air, vitamin D and nature really are wonderful tonics for the mind and mood.

Try to eat as healthily as you can, I know it can be difficult during these crazy times we find ourselves in but please try.  Cooking could be a new hobby, involve the children, cook from scratch even if you make your versions of their favourites, trust me they will enjoy them so much more.

Another good thing to do is journaling, you can look back and see how you got through similar things in the past.  Keep a gratitude journal each day write down what you have been grateful for that day, some days you will think well I can’t think of anything today, but even the simplest of things can be written down, I woke up, I have a roof over my head, I have clean water to drink, when you make a practice of it then you notice that you give gratitude for all that you do have.

Try to limit your time watching the news, reading the papers, scrolling through social media and comparing yourself to others, don’t forget what we see online is what people want us to see, what the media portray as to how you should look, act, live is total bollocks and nonsense.  If things are outside your circle of control put them in the fuck-it bucket and forget about them, they have no control over you unless you allow them to. 

I am going to journal more on covid and my mental health on here as we continue through this bizarre time of our lives. 

Take care, love yourself.  Practice self-love and self care both physical and mental.

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